Whatscan – QR Scan Pro: Review

It’s really time taking and annoying to keep separate apps for scanning codes and generating them. It also costs too much time to traverse through different apps for these purposes. Waqt’s announced its multipurpose communication app called Whatscan with capabilities of multiple apps in one.

Its key features are:

  1. Scan and Chat
  2. Status saver
  3. QR Scan and share save.

It is capable of scanning and reading all sorts of QR / barcodes including text, URL, ISBN,
product, contact, calendar, email, location, Wi-Fi and many other formats. An automatic decoder is provided with multiple options to scan QR and barcode for the user to take necessary actions. It can also help you redeem coupons to receive discounts and get cash back offers.

It lets you save status images and videos of your friend’s WhatsApp status in just one tap. Available for $7.76 on the Play Store, this app is value for money considering its ad-free design, easy to understand UI and multipurpose features.

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Varun: Passionate blogger and main author at Techzog.com. Feel free to reach me at techie[at]techzog[dot]com
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